"The Air Tangent not only had less bass but it was vague and lacking in detail solidity extension impact etc".......Seriously,and I truly mean NO disrespect,but you have not heard a well set up Air Tangent.I have had two friends,who went to HUGE aftermarket compressors,to solve the pressure issue,as it relates to bass impact,and other performance areas.I have heard this arm compared to others,and if one is willing to go to the limit(I was not,and don't blame anyone for not wanting to,either)there is a level of "analog bliss" available here,that simply defies believability.The entire Mercury LP and RCA reviews,in TAS,were done using this heavily modded Air Tangent,and it is simply amazing.It has recently been replaced by a very popular unipivot,and the entire system,though still very good,lacks the "absolute magic"of the Air Tangent.Other fellow hobbyists,hearing the A.T.'s replacement are in mourning,like me!!-:)
BTW...virtually all these arms are fabulous possessions to own,so we all are sharing in analog's golden age revival.Right?To me,the really big breakthroughs,in vinyl,are being made with the NEW plethora of AMAZING cartridges coming out,seemingly every month or so.GREAT HOBBY!!!