Sound of Pass Labs xono preamp in 2 versions

Does the Pass Labs Xono phono preamp in the version with the dual matching chasis sound the same as the older model version with the black colored power supply chasis? There's quite a difference in price and I'm wondering do the two versions use the same parts in their power supply? Thanks
I spoke with Pass this morning. The long umbilical cord is supplied as a convenience; there is no sonic difference if the power supply and phono stage chassis are separated or stacked.

Feel free to contact them at if you have any questions.

Disclaimer: Pass retailer
I spoke with Pass this morning.

Curious, did they also tell you that there is no sonic difference between the two styles of PS?
Hi Tony,
Well as long as you asked here are their comments:

>>The larger supply chassis allows for a different layout of the components and, although they are essentially the same part-wise, does demonstrate better sonic characteristics, lower noise and a cleaner sound, according to the analog gurus here.<<

I have heard both but not side by side so I have opinion to offer. Please private email me if you wish to discuss further.