Yes - both the parts and the sonics are the same between the smaller, space-saving power supply and the larger same-size-as-the-phonostage power supply. The difference is the case. Fwiw, on the more expensive version it is a nice case - very thick anodized aluminum; though I can't say if it is worth the $1400 difference.
Many of the photo's you see of this unit show the phono-stage stacked on top of the power-supply. You do not want to use the XOno this way. Separate the power supply as far away as from the main unit as your rack will allow. That's why the power umbilical is 6.5'.
Many of the photo's you see of this unit show the phono-stage stacked on top of the power-supply. You do not want to use the XOno this way. Separate the power supply as far away as from the main unit as your rack will allow. That's why the power umbilical is 6.5'.