Phono stage for Denon DL103R

I am considering adding either a Denon DL103R or Audio Technica OC9 cartridge to this setup. I presently have a Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3 phono stage and have not been able to determine if this stage will match either of these cartridges. I am trying to determine the amount of gain output by this phone pre-amp. The only information I have is a MC sensitivity of 350uV for 350mV output at 1kHz. Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.
Concerning Tswhitsel's concerns about compliance, don't be concerned. Both AT and Denon specify compliance @
100hz rather than the otherwise-universally used 10hz, which puts the Denon at 9cu. That may theoretically make the JMW arm still marginal for the Denon, but in real use you should see no issues. Even then, a headshell weight is available from vpi should you feel you need it.

A quick search on Vinyl Asylum will provide many other instances of happy Scout/DL-103 users.
Thanks to all for your responses. Interesting dilemma... I am gathering from the info you have given me that even though the carts I have mentioned are good they are only as good as they can be with higher mass tonearms? A Moving magnet cart which might be considered not to offer the same sound quality might then be a better match and thus sound better in my particular system. I had a Grado Gold ( I broke the cantilever) and was never totally happy with the sound. In fact I thought it was rather veiled in my system. The denon seems to impart life to the music, this being on the Thorens table. I find it difficult to believe that a vintage table can sound so much better than the highly acclaimed Scout and can only conclude that this due to improper matching and or setup. I am working toward correcting this matter and have begun by building a wall shelf in order to alleviate springy floor problem...
Is thier anyplace here or on the asylum that gives a succint explanation of compliance issues?Tswhitsel gives excelent info but wondering if there is full driections on comliance issues anywhere.Be great if soimeone had one or it could be found on a comercial site (or a book) thatwould explain it,gain,load,etc inn one digestable bite.But this was great.
PS anybody ever see the college physics book written (before digital) that used Hifidleity as a mneans to teach the subject.Had it many years ago and wish I could find it again.Haven't been able to find my Hartley book in years and don't rmeber how much he went into turntables tech.hear from freind that Fremmer's DVD is pretty good but maybe a little lite but then again he's and engineer and I'm not.
To bring some of my perspective in here, in particular with respect to Tswhitsel's comments:

Tswhitsel is completely correct to point out the problems of matching a very lightweight arm like the JMW9 to low compliance cartridges like the Denon. Following the same arguments, I would have expected the Denon to be a very bad match to the JMW9 arm. Nevertheless, I tried it, since I was curious about the Scout and only had a Denon DL103R around. It turns out it wasn't such a bad match at all. I would even go as far as saying that the JMW9 worked better with the DL103R than on my previous Rega derivative arms.

Some details about the Denon compiance: I measured the resonance frequency for the Denon DL103/JMW9/3g headshell weight and got a resonance somewhere between 9-10Hz. Removing the additional weight the resonance lies around 10-11, which is still a very acceptable value.

As for unipivot design with low compliance cartridges (an excerpt from the Van den Hul web page):

Q: I have a unipivot arm from the USA. What sort of cartridge should I buy ?

A: A cartridge with a lower compliance to avoid the well known Olympic game: Groove jumping. When you order a cartridge from our company, please tell your dealer that you need a cartridge for this type of arm. It helps to reduce all kinds of problems.

As a result Van den Hul's comments would suggest exactly the opposite: To mate a unipivot arm with something like the Denon!

Soundwise the Denon is still my favorite for the Scout I have around right now…just my own experience. :)
