Album of the year

I know we still have 2 months left, but Im going to go ahead with mine: The Muse by The Wood Brothers. Produced by Buddy Miller. Just a superb disc from start to finish. If your not familiar with these guys you're missing out. Chris Wood is the Wood in Medeski Martin & Wood, and brother Oliver the frontman from the late ,great, King Johnson. Rootsy, bluesy,rockin', gospeley, with harmonies to die for,exceptional muscianship,and evocative lyrics. Well recorded too. They put on an awesome live show to boot.
Jafant, Would you mind listing your favorites?

Winoguy, Love the Wood Brothers "The Muse".

One of the best records I have heard this year is Snarky Puppy's "Family Dinner".
David Bowie ... The Next Day ... Hands down the best Rock album this year ... And I'm not a Bowie fanboy and listening mostly to classical and jazz the best recordings for me fall easily ito the classical realm.
But this record is something else; the way Bowie has structured the music with differnent layers and incorporating noise - brilliant. Sirius radio is currently running a 24/7 Bowie channel with frequent promos about his ongoing influence. One goes something like this: "Bowie - he's 1/3 glamour, 1/3 charm, 1/3 talent and 1/3 intelligence. " Gotta love it. He really is an alien.