How to Convert Analog Tapes to CD?

Can someone help me figure out how best to transfer some old analog casette tapes to CD? Do I need to get some A-to-D converter. I'd prefer to keep the expense to a minimum.

Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
I am using iVinyl which is distributed by Audioparts. I'm using it with great success comverting my LP's to ipod and CD. It can also be used to comvert any high level like analog tapes to CD or itunes as well. Do a search for iVinyl, Audioparts sells it through Agon. I believe that he is the sole US distributor for this great product. I'm not associated with iVinyl or Audioparts, but I am a VERY satisfied customer. iVinyl is highly recommended.
Actually, I've been hard at work doing this very project for my 100 + LPs that I've owned for many years. It's really simple: 1) Get a good computer soundcard. I have the Creative Labs Soundblaster Music X-FI. That makes a big difference in terms of quality of music going IN to the computer as well as music coming out. 2) Connect your stereo amp's phono out lines to the soundcard on the computer. You will need a converter or cord that has the two RCA-type plugs on one end and a stereo miniplug on the other. If it's impractical to have your stereo amp next to the computer, just use the turntable and a separate phono preamp, so you can run the line from the preamp into the soundcard. 3) Open up the software that converts incoming analog signal to a WAV file. Most good soundcards come with this type of software. Otherwise, you'd need Nero or some other commercial brand of software that has this. 4) Record the music, save it as a WAV file, and voila, you're done! You may then wish to convert it to MP3 file to "save space" but can always save the original (and better quality) WAV file on a backup disc. Hope that helps!
I use TOTAL RECORDER..[google search] it can be downloaded from the site...cost app.$15. free upgrades as they are released. It bypasses the sound card so not only can you record lp's, cass., but streaming audio also. Sound is quite good. For cass. just plug your deck outs to your comp.
line in[ will need to buy a cable at rs..not expensive]
then start recorder and thats it. Music can be saved as a wav for burning or an mp3. Easy..hope this helps, Larry
Thanks guys for the great tips. I'll probably start with one of the PC approaches and see how the quality is. thanks again,

I use a Creative Labs Soundblaster also, it
works well but have never been able to figure
out how to split tracks.

You might want to keep that in mind unless someone
knows an easy way to do it.