Best Cartridge for Kuzma Airline

Bought this Arm and I start thinking about a Cartridge for it.
Some recommendations?
Well, it is different from the sound reproduction. Specially with old classic records it can produce a soundstage with so much air between the notes, you have to hear to believe it. The other arms are a bit different but when you go for the Airline, you will have a superior design. Works very well.
I read that the Airline has an effective mass of 13 grams. As such one should probably stay away from low compliance cartridges. My guess is that the bass will be more substantial with a high compliance cartridge.
I have heard it with the Transfiguration on a system that was not mine and it sounded amazing (i think it was the then latest W version of the cartridge); I have the arm and use a Lyra Titan (i) which may not be everyone's cup of tea. In talking with the US importer, who recommended, among others, the London and the Dynavector, I also heard through his dealer that the Airtight cartridge has the lifelike virtues in which this arm excels. That may be my next cartridge.