Best Cartridge for Kuzma Airline

Bought this Arm and I start thinking about a Cartridge for it.
Some recommendations?
Hi Bill

The new single motor enables the XL to retrieve more detail. I guess it must lower the noise floor.

It has v good speed stability, all the XL strengths are there - powerful dynamics and bass etc - however depth and spatial aspects are improved. Details in the background of an orchestra, for instance, are more obvious, greater bass texture is another plus. There is more information generally available from the recording and so instruments sound that bit more real.

I think it is a very worthwhile improvement over the 4 motors I had previously and is a neater set-up.

hope that helps.

Thanks Dave. I wonder if it is the same motor that some of the other high-end tables now seem to be using: that recent VPI, as well as the Kronos.
Enjoy it- I was almost in your neck of the woods last month, but the trip got cancelled for reasons not worth explaining. I'm going to try to hook up my new monster-sized compressor to the Airline arm later today- just need somebody to help me get it up two flights of stairs. I'll report back.
Appreciate the response. Apologies for the slight derail of thread, but since this one came back from the dead anyway....
Slovenia; cheap, but one way, CZ. There's a joke about that, but it's probably inappropriate for a public forum.
Ok Bill. Not sure of the provenance of the Kuzma DC motor.

I have not tried the air line arm on my TT - something I would like to try sometime. Is the idea -behind using a mega compressor - that it charges a large reservoir tank, so the compressor does not need to come on very often?

If you do happen to be over this way you should drop in for a visit.

