Best Cartridge for Kuzma Airline

Bought this Arm and I start thinking about a Cartridge for it.
Some recommendations?
Slovenia; cheap, but one way, CZ. There's a joke about that, but it's probably inappropriate for a public forum.
Ok Bill. Not sure of the provenance of the Kuzma DC motor.

I have not tried the air line arm on my TT - something I would like to try sometime. Is the idea -behind using a mega compressor - that it charges a large reservoir tank, so the compressor does not need to come on very often?

If you do happen to be over this way you should drop in for a visit.


Dave- exactly. The old compressor that came with the Airline died; Kuzma had for a while offered an oversized compressor as an aftermarket item for precisely that reason; I just went directly to the compressor manufacturer and had them configure one with an automatic drain function; it was basically plug and play; the only thing I had to do was remove the output fitting from the old compressor and screw it into the regulator on the new one. Overkill, but it wasn't that much more money than an exact replacement of the original sized unit.
Thanks for the invite.