Best sounding phono preamp under $600

I am presently using a Jolida JD-9 with a Pro-ject RM-5 turntable and Ortofon X5-MC cartridge and am looking for opinions on solid state phono preamps that cost $600 or less. The rest of the system consists of the Qinpu integrated amp and Buggtussel Somu floorstanding speakers. Would appreciate any advice on the subject. Thanks, Bob
Simon - I appreciate your comments; they've been very helpful. You mentioned you are not a solid state fan when it comes to phono stages; curious what tube phono preamps you like the best; is the Quicksilver one of your favorites? Thanks, Bob
Hi Bob,
& physical animal.
Without going into mega detail which is only my view in any case - the Quicksilver just seemed to give the best approximation of 'real' music.
I listen to lots of live recordings and the Quicksilver was the one that had me pulling out albums for hours on end.
Paints a with a broad brushstroke but vocals,soundstage -width, height & depth and a nice solidity without being overly warm still makes it my favourite phonostage.
Sold it now as my Supratek has a built in pre so could not justify keeping it (her indoors on the case).
It is also a very quiet stage whether used alone with mm or used with the step up for lo mc.

It also, to my ears, does not have the grain/edge and un-natural dynamics of most of the ss designs I have tried.
Not saying valve wins every time as I enjoyed the Creek, Clearaudio Basic Ltd and Camelot very much, mainly because they manage to minimise my negatives about ss phonostages.
Even though I live in the UK , I got great service from Camelot and Quicksilver - never had any problems , only some queries and requests for advice. That fact that these were answered speedily and enthusiastically led me to believe both companies would address any problems with their gear as a matter of urgency - not always the caes in my experience.
I also found that some stages will give their best with a wide range of cartridges and some are very picky.
My favourites tend to be in the former camp .
Rgds Simon
Simon - thanks again for your comments; I know what you mean about Quicksliver; I met them one year at the CES show; they are a down-to-earth group of people and I was very impressed with their vacuum tube preamp and power amplifiers. I shall keep an eye out for the Quicksilver phono preamp.
don't forget the jolida 9 with some NOS tubes, it blew away my Monolithic Ps-1. Derek