Walker Diamond arm

Any Proscenium owners upgraded to the Diamond arm? If so, please offer some observations.

I have one on order but they are in short supply. I'll be surprised if I get mine in the first quarter of 2007.
Just had mine installed. It is a MAJOR upgrade in almost every respect -- more detail, more speed, more resolution. This is a 'must have' upgrade.
I have not yet made the move myself, but have had several opportunities to hear it on Lloyd's system. Had I not heard it for myself, I would be hard pressed to believe one could improve upon the Proscenium Gold - but it is indeed a major leap forward.
My friend has the Walker, we talked about it on the phone but I am curious when he will get it....because I am sure it is not IF but When :)
Hi Mmalin, Thanks for your input. Might you expound on the changes your table is experiencing? What cartridge and phono stage? I find the Walker to be such a remarkable piece of audio; plus I realize Mr. Walker would only make change for the better; yet I must, at this time, consider costs/improvement ratio.