J&R salesman says turntables outsell CD playe 10:1

Maybe this is a little exaggerated, but he did say they sell way more tables than CD players. They sell to quite a few teenagers who were given LP collections and want to transfer them to thier ipod.

Now I dont feel so bad ordering a new turntable in 2007 (Raven one/ Schroeder 2)
I wonder if data is somewhat skewed from different vendors. Best Buy, Circuit City, etc may be selling many CD players or DVD players (to be used for CDs also). But if someone wants to purchase a turntable there are fewer vendors to choose from so those vendors see a different ratio of turntable sales to CD player sales.
Since CD players generally sell for more than DVD players, most people probably buy DVD players instead. Therefore in his area, I suppose he could be correct. It still sounds fishy.
Look at http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1170363580&openusid&zzIhcho&4&5#Ihcho
Years ago my grandfather told me ,why do you buy albums when you can just listen to the radio....for free ....