How much to setup a table??

So, I'm not sure if I set up my table correctly and wanted to ask our local dealer/tech to make a house call to set it up for me.

1. Are house calls standard protocol or will he look at me like I'm nuts?

2. What is a reasonable rate I should expect? $50? $20 + a few beers?

No, I didn't buy the table from the dealer but, I have bought a few things there in the past a few years ago. They know me because I always stop by to say, "Hi" and buy used vinyl from the owner on occasion.

Why don't you just ask him? I'm sure there will be a service charge, it will then be up to you to determine if it is reasonable or not.
Instead of guessing what his service chanrge will be, why don't you simply ask him?
Jmcgrogan2; What I'm getting at is, what is a reasonable amount to expect to be charged for a medium sized midwestern town. At some point I will ask him. If I ask him now and he says a $100, how do I know if I'm getting a deal or if I'm getting ripped off??

If you folks tell me that around $50 is normal and my dealer says $100, than I KNOW I have room to negotiate or just walk away.

I just have no idea.
Expect to pay anywhere from $45-75/hr plus travel time. Think of it as a repair call.

What makes you think you haven't setup the table properly? Is there some specific sonic aspect you think you're not getting? It's not like there is one perfect set of parameters to setup an analog combo. VTF, SRA, antiskate and other parameters all interact and any setup is a compromise of at least some of these factors. That's assuming you're not going to individually tweak every album you play.
Onhwy61; I've never setup a table before. I haven't sunk a lot of money into my system but, still want to make sure I'm hearing every pennies worth. Plus, I don't have a digital VTF guage. I used one of those manual Sure jobbies. Also, I'm wondering if my protractor is appropriate. Also, I've heard that VTA needs to be close (I can't tweak mine that much with the Origin arm) but; am I close enough? Anywho...

I just don't have much confidence in what I did. Who knows, maybe I'll have a "pro" look at it and he won't have to touch it. $50 is worth the peace of mind.