Threaders : The key to cleaning solutions is the purity of the water and should you use iso alcohol the percentage of pure iso in the bottle. My personal favorite is GC Electronics , cat # 10-1507, 100% isopropyl alcohol , anhydrous pure that sells for under $10.
There are many , many web sites offering record cleaning formula's, just google a bit to locate them. Lloyd Walker said he buys his water from a company that sells H2O for reactor based power plants. Personally, I buy auto battery water from Prestone or Peak.
I'm obcessive about record cleanlyness. The clearner the vinyl the more potential information in the groves. In my opinion there are only 15 or 20 truly remarkable articles on the subject. One of the best is located on Michael Fremers web site just google until you find it.
Lastly, no matter how clean your records , should your reproduction chain be grunged with a poor/dirty preamp , phono section , etc., you may be hard pressed to enjoy the effort. Its all a part of a process. Enjoy the music.