Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.
the motor of the Raven-one is the same as the Raven AC motor. The side motor and the second arm board is a upgrade. You can order it in one time, or later at any time you want. The size of the Raven-one is 18" wide and 15" deep. The total weight is 21kg. I hope I can help a little bit.

Best Wishes
Hi T.W. I assume. you are the T.W. who designed my new (this Saturday to be installed by Jeff) A.C. Raven. I'm quite excited!!

Rick (RWD)

You will be making a great choice going with the Raven One. I think this offers great value! Let me know how you like it,
