Wow do opinions vary. I was totally unimpressed by the Tidals. Jimmy Hendrix would sound smooth and mellow through them. I'd rather buy a new house with the money.
On the first floor, I really liked the Daedalus speakers in the Modwright room. Although without the grills they are a bit homely.
I do agree with Larry that that Altec horns were impressive. I might call these the homliest speakers at the show but also tremendous sounding.
Many of the rooms suffered from size issues. An example is using unbelievably restored Apogees for near-field listening. Great sound stuffed into a closet sized room.
For a reality check, there was a room upstairs running Harbeth 30.1's that I could easily picture in my home.
On the first floor, I really liked the Daedalus speakers in the Modwright room. Although without the grills they are a bit homely.
I do agree with Larry that that Altec horns were impressive. I might call these the homliest speakers at the show but also tremendous sounding.
Many of the rooms suffered from size issues. An example is using unbelievably restored Apogees for near-field listening. Great sound stuffed into a closet sized room.
For a reality check, there was a room upstairs running Harbeth 30.1's that I could easily picture in my home.