Getting into Vinyl...

Was wondering what you guys would recommend for a phono preamp for someone just getting into vinyl and not looking to make this a passion. I am just trying to work some vinyl into my system (VTL 5.5, Krell 2250, b&w 804s) to play with on occasion, not looking to spend alot of money.

The players I have been looking into are the Rega P1, just not sure on the phono pre amp side of things. I was considering a SS phono pre since I already have a Tube pre amp. Is this a good line of thinking?? I don't want to lose bass if possible, and i know having all tube can cause this.

I know nothing about vinyl, except it sounds great and looks fun, so any help is throroughly appreciated.
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Thanks Tvad...I read so many positive things about the BC se it just seemed like the right avenue to travel. I think it is important to system match properly when adding something. Some of the pieces I was originally thinking about might be outclassed, so I decided to at least put a little more into the phono stage. Great advice here, thanks alot.
Even an entry level table will sound better than a CD

Not in my modded 1200 rig, and according to someone I trust, not even with a Walker Proscenium. The mastering quality is what determines whether a vinyl record or its CD version will sound better, not the format. That's happening with my beloved Fania salsa records, which are now being PROPERLY digitally remastered for the second time. To that effect I suggest a modified belt drive transport. Then vinyl and analog will start sounding close to each other.

With Psychic power and primal intensity,
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