My guess is that the arm/TT interface may be the most impt part of this equation, so that all comments from non-Amazon users (including myself) should be taken with a grain of salt. However, I am going to throw another arm into the mix- the Schroeder Model 2 is not that different in price from the Moerch and the Ref is not too much more than the Triplanar. If you are going to take advantage of adjusting VTA (and VTF) its hard to think that any arm can beat the Triplanar; just note the proper position and click, click, you are there. I have a Schroeder M2 on a Teres 255 and I have listened quite a bit to a Triplanar on a friend's 3XX series (its been through some upgrades) and I find both pretty darn good. I would say that the Triplanar excels on attack and dynamics; the Schroeder on musicality and even response across the entire spectrum (e.g., excellent bass and no harshness at the top end). I expect that at a similar price point, there would not be too much diff btwn the Schroeder Ref and the Tri-p. Of course, unless you get lucky like I did with a used Schroeder, you will have quite a wait. So in that respect, the Tri-P may be the way to go.
It is definitely a superb arm.