Is it worth this tonearm?

Hi folks,

I have been slowly upgrading my analog playback and have come to the final decision, which tonearm? Through Mehran, who is a fine gentleman, I have been able to aquire the Amazon referenze TT and the Atmos ZYX cartridge.

Lastly I must decide on tonearms. Tripanar or Moerch DP6. The combo of the triplanar and ZYX has been well documented and from my research, Moerch and ZYX less so. I suppose what I am wondering is the Triplanar worth the extra funds? Will I have that much more satisfaction over the Moerch?

I will say, I listen mostly to rock, blues, jazz. Also, I am not the type that is going to play around with the arm much. Once I get it tuned in, which I don't mind spending time doing, I do not want to fiddle around much, like say changing the VTA between a 180 gram record and a normal record. I'm more of a get it right, set it and let her play.

Thanks for any input and guidance.

Thanks for your help and encouragement folks. Always appreciated. Hows winter down there Helmut?

I can understand your feelings on spending time dialing in your choice of new tone arm, but with all do respect i think once you have that caliber of tone arm you wont mind changing the VTA, once you hear the difference that is made in doing so.
With my humble vpi 10.5i tone arm along with ZYX universe xsb. its worth it to note where the VTA setting for different thickness lps is. as the sound difference is quite audible for the better. BTW classic rock is my choice in music also.
good luck on your new arm.
My guess is that the arm/TT interface may be the most impt part of this equation, so that all comments from non-Amazon users (including myself) should be taken with a grain of salt. However, I am going to throw another arm into the mix- the Schroeder Model 2 is not that different in price from the Moerch and the Ref is not too much more than the Triplanar. If you are going to take advantage of adjusting VTA (and VTF) its hard to think that any arm can beat the Triplanar; just note the proper position and click, click, you are there. I have a Schroeder M2 on a Teres 255 and I have listened quite a bit to a Triplanar on a friend's 3XX series (its been through some upgrades) and I find both pretty darn good. I would say that the Triplanar excels on attack and dynamics; the Schroeder on musicality and even response across the entire spectrum (e.g., excellent bass and no harshness at the top end). I expect that at a similar price point, there would not be too much diff btwn the Schroeder Ref and the Tri-p. Of course, unless you get lucky like I did with a used Schroeder, you will have quite a wait. So in that respect, the Tri-P may be the way to go.
It is definitely a superb arm.
Nice choices so far Peter. If it were me, I would choose the Tri-planar, it is a first rate arm that takes a backseat to no one, IMHO.

Thanks kindly for the guidance all. Good to hear some familiar voices chiming in, John, swampwalker, thanks so much.
Tri-planar gets some good votes. Swampwalker, i don't think i'll get as lucky as you (some guys have all the luck) so the schroeder ref is probably out. Whats the wait like now for one of those anyway?

I appreciate your time
