no body is buying anything on audiogon

90 percent of the ads on audiogon nobody buys. why advertise its not going to sell
Wait til next year when everyone gets a check from W. I cant wait to be trickled on. Maybe I will buy some speakers made from endangered forest, hand rubbed with whale oil.
nice, blkadr. i'd like some amp stands made from gazelle antlers and maybe some speaker stands of elephant tusks. we'll have to keep our blinds closed so the heat from the depleted ozone doesn't melt our cables (which is ok cause it'll block out the view of the power plants and oil rigs) but hey...ELEPHANT TUSKS! Cool!!!
I had eight sales on audiogon during a 45 day period from May 1 to June 15. Three sales were from classified ads; five were from auctions. All three of my classified ad listings sold for full asking price - if fact - one item was sold the evening I listed it and even before I went off line. The items sold ranged from $35 to $9,000. All classifed ad items were sold for over $1,000.

Of the auctions - three did pretty well, two sucked.

As a seller I have no complaints.

As a buyer - I have not purchased anything on audiogon in a while. I think the last item I purchased was last October. My purchases since then have been limited to tubes from e-bay and some major purchases direct from trusted dealers.

However - the summer is generally slow for audio sales - so - in my opinion - if yu're going to sell something - get it done by June 15 or wait until September.
The economy is DEFINITELY to blame. Two weeks ago, I was eating in my cousin's fancy restaurant. Her and her husband also own an upscale furniture store. I spoke to them about how things were going. They said that things have been well off pace since late 2000. For both businesses. Couple that with a friend of mine who is a salesman at an Audi dealership. He has been telling me all year that things are a good 30% off from the previous year. It is just a normal human reaction to conserve when things seem to be tight. Witness the Japan of the past decade.
Ebay sales are really low as well. The only ones with any money are those north of the border. Canada's economy is still motoring along with low unemployment.