Teres still the way to go?

Thinking about going with a Teres 255 again (I've owned one before and loved it). Just wanted to see if there is anything else I should consider in the same price range. Thoughts?

What's going on with the Serac? I see the pricing has increased by about $1k. Any updates?
I went with another Teres!!!

I guess you could call it a "Teres 245 on steroids"

- Cocobolo base
- Cocobolo armboard
- Cocobolo clamp
- Solid acrylic platter
- Verus motor

I'll be mounting an Origin Live Silver mk III and a Denon 103R. I hope the cocobolo will match the cocobolo trim on my GMA Callistos. I'll post my thoughts after I receive it.
I'm going to give a response that may be a first in Audiogon history:

I'm going to admit that I don't think I'll be able to provide any useful comparative comments.

When I receive my table (which should be this Friday), I'll be using a different platter, different arm, and a different cartridge with the Verus motor. As a matter of fact, everything about my system will be different (including the room). Other than fit & finish, ease of use, and "quirkiness" comments, I don't think any sonic comparisons would be anywhere close to accurate / relevant. If someone in the Dallas area has a Signature motor and would like to bring it by to compare, I would be happy to arrange a shoot out.

Plus, it's been nearly a year since I last spun something on my monkeywood 255. I trust Swampwalker is still taking good care of my baby. :)
Hi Nick- Your baby is just fine. Almost all grown up with a Schroeder M2 arm now. I'm curious why you went with the solid acrylic platter? Does Chris consider it a better match with the Versus motor?