TNT6 Platter speed

Hi there,I'm just upgraded my TNT jr to a VI with the dual motor assembly and I'm not sure but it seems it may be turning slightly faster than the single motor. Anyone else notice this.
I am not using the SDS as of yet, but I would think the motor would turn pretty close to accurate speeds without the SDS, no?
I always run my TNT6 with my Walker Motor Controller. When you buy the Walker, it comes with a KAB strobe included, so you can accurately/easily check the speed. The KAB is a great way to make sure speed is accurate.
Yes, I agree that it should be close w/o the SDS, but most use a motor controller with these tables, so it might be tough to find others in the same scenario as use.
When it comes to table speed, close isn't good enough. You need to check to make sure its right. Cheers,
Contact VPI they are very helpful. I had a speed problem when I upgraded to the SDS. I bought a KAB speed strobe as the VPI disk use useless to me. I didn't like buying the KAB for 100.00 and only needing it once but hey, that's the high end.
You will need the KAB more than once. Over time, belt wear, etc. could cause minor variations. It's worth checking once every other month or so. Also, check at both 33 and 45 when you do it. Cheers,