Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
Thank all of you for the time that you took to post your responses.I gather from all this information that the winner by a pretty wide margin is the walker.A complex beast to set up but once set up and dialed in pretty much trouble free and stays put.I will have to talk to lloyd about the black diamond table,it seems like a vinyl lovers last table.
All tables you mentioned are top tables, the Basis being the one I would consider the least desirable sonically. You should also look into the new Grand Prix Audio Monaco table. I previously owned the the Basis Debut Gold, SME 20/2, and now have the Grand Prix Monaco. It looks simple, but is very innovative and brilliantly engineered. It is a direct drive that is done right. I did not hear the drawback of belt driven tables until I compared it to a state of the art direct drive with the best speed accuracy available. The improvement is not subtle. Vinyl sounds AMAZING on the Grand Prix / Dynavector 507II / XV1S front end. The level of purity, resolution, transparency, 3D spacious layered image, focus, dynamics, presence, separation and quiet is incredible. Everyone who has heard this front end has had the same amazed reaction. It is something very special.
Just to add one more possibility to the list, George Merrill has come up with a new, no-holds barred turntable that I hope to audition soon (a friend of mine is the distributor, I believe), if only just to see what an old master has come up with. This one might be worth your auditioning as well, and it will be available for audition in the NY/NJ area, so it's within reach for you.

It's funny to hear people putting the Basis at the bottom of this list, as I think most of us would agree that it is an excellent table (that has served me well for over 15 years, I might add). The Ovation's (and I'm sure the Debut's) suspension, in particular, is absolutely superb at isolating the platter from vibrations, and with the Walker Motor Drive its speed stability is beyond reproach. That is why I feel that the other tables I've heard that I like better (the SME 30, the Transrotor and, of course, the Walker), while I can clearly hear that they are special products, offer what are probably, on an objective scale, comparatively subtle improvements. However, the subjective difference is what keeps me trying to figure a way to afford one of these beauties.
Probably because it costs more than the Brinkman, Walker and Basis combined! I think Strapper decided to limit his budget to what he could get when he sells his 2002 BMW M5! :^) Me, I don't think my 2001 New Beetle GLX can get me a Rega, let alone a Walker.