Has anyone heard the Denon 103-SA?

It is available at www.audiocubes.com and is listed at $749, yet other than a .9g weight increase, I find virtually no difference between it and the "R" variant. Any thoughts would be helpful as I recently installed my very first DL-103 (yes, the congratulatory calls from friends & family, both far and wide, came pouring in)) and have been astounded to find out that all the hype is absolutely true.
Denon has always had an upscale cartridge that was mostly available in Japan or special order. I have been using one for years and it is more of the general values of the typical 103. There is quite a mystic quality to the buzz about these cartridges. More research will lead you to several sources. Most believew that for the price, it is about as good as it gets. I am very happy with mine.
The Denon DL-103 were used by advanced/experienced audiophiles through out Europe and Japan for a long time. I'm using mine since year 2000. It is a super sounding cartridge. I also using a Denon DL-102(mono) in my mono system with great result.
Hype is not always untrue ;-). The extra $500 is for the colour "blue", and well worth it in my estimation, as it will lend the 103 a tad more coolness to temper it's fiery character :-).