All tube system or Tube with SS phono?

Wanted to see the general opinions on these two options...Will I lose alot of bass response and clarity with an all tube lineup?

Option 1: Project debut III>tubebox II>Onix SP3
Option 2: Project debut III>project SS pre or another similarly priced SS pre>SP3

Since I'm going into a tube integrated, does the tube on the phono pre matter as much?

So, maybe go with the SS stage to not lose as much bass, and let the tube integrated do it's magic?
"Bass suffers in tube equipment"

Both my tube phonos (Audionote & Seduction) must think they are solid-state units then?

BTW, the Seduction retails at under $300 ...
sorry, I was thinking sutherland...disregard the last post...

the seduction looks very nice...hmm...dilemmas