MM to MC back to MM

Has anyone gone back to MM after trying MC cartridges? Why did you go back? What MC cartridges did you try?
By all means! Agree with your comments. Mind you, now I'm stuck with outboard phono stages MM & HO MC are my limit; price-wise also!
From the Beginning:
Shure M75ED
Ortofon FF15
Goldring 800/900/920
A&R Cambridge P78
Grado FTE+, FTE3(?), Green & Gold
Rega Elys 1 & 2.
The A&R was my all time favourite: it LOVED the ITTOK!
Dear Ctm: I wonder why do you want to be so " strict " on the subject, well not so strict because you know want to use a limited digital technology with a signal that comes with no RIAA eq.

+++++ " to achieve identical musical passages when played back though the system " +++++

You can have it directly running both cartridges the same LP track in real time.

There is other subject that we have to take in count: that many preamps change its characteristics ( frequency response/distortion/noise/etc ) at different listening levels and that ( too ) if the Phonolinepreamp does not comes in one chasis there will be another variables: connectors and interconnect cable.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Frankm1 - Psychicanimal's response beat me to it. Some of my recommendations would have included a few of the MM cartridges Rauliruegas mentions in his thread. The Grace F9E is superb and the EDR.9 is very good. This list is a moving target for me currently since I am relatively new to MM cartridges. I used MCs exclusive until nearly two years ago when I first heard a MM.

I have not yet tried the top shelf Stantons or Linns. The Ortofon MI are also intruiguing.

"A couple amateurs working out of their garage"
A lot of the Great American Enterprises have started in a garage; Hewlet Packard, KFC, Pizza Hut, Barbie..GE..should I go on?
The thing about internet and buying directly from the designer is that Retailers are no longer needed, at 40%-50% discount the retailer is making more money than the manufacturer!
Selling direct, leaves the manufacturer with the possibility of adding more quality components and still have a product in a logical price range.
This great Internet era we are living in allows us to buy and sell gear in places like Audiogon and gives us the chance to try a lot of toys, 10 years ago having this much gear would be unthinkable!!
Buying without a retailer also puts more value into reviewers, audio magazines, Audio Shows and Forums like this one where one can get an idea of the sound and good opinions before buying.

As a customer I had good and bad experiences dealing with both, from the designer who guides you and listens to you and almost changes his product to fit your system, to the modder who takes a year to deliver, to the dealer that lets you take the gear to your house for a couple of weeks to the horrible retailer who tries to sell you his unsellable residual pieces at incredible prices and treats you like dirt in the process.
I always had good experiences selling and buying stuff from Audiogon and made some friends in the process!

I have to admit buying on the internet from a dealer gives me some piece of mind, but "the times they are a Changin"!

What would be of the audio world if Altec Lansing would have never come and gone...
I would like to add to my previous post that a retailer does a great job for the community with the knowledge of listening to a lot of gear through the years in their own listening rooms and guiding the customer...we are lucky to have serious input from experienced retailers.
I feel much more comfortable giving my credit card number to a known retailer or a manufacturer than to an unknown no-feedback seller.

All the Best