One TT, 2 arms, 2 cartridges for $2,000 used?

I would like to buy a turntable on which I can fit two arms, both for stereo, but one that would favor "analytical/resolution" and one that would be more "romantic/forgiving"...can you guys suggest a complete set up, brand and model for TT, arms and cartridges?
That's just not realistic...

You can, as others have said probably pull that off with a one arm, one cartridge set up, but not two. You're not willing to spend enough money to make the result worth the money, and effort...



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Marty- You may have made a math error (like it did a few days ago. You've used up the whole budget on TT, 2 arms, 2 armboards and 1 cart. I know its pretty close, and you could probably do something with a SOTA for example, 2 different REGA mount arms (need only one armboard) and 2 carts. But the hassle of installing a new arm on the old armboard would be probably more than installing a diff cart on the arm. Maybe that's the way to go, now that I think about it. Get good at swapping carts and go that way for a while, until you can afford a second arm. As for me, I would be VERY careful on a used cart. I've sold one that was in great shape, but there are lots of posts/disputes in the forums about problems with used carts. If you can get one from a very reputable member and get a detailed provenance, then its fine, but otherwise, a real crapshoot,IMO.
I have a Technics SP10MKII with SME 3012SeriesII and Audio Technica ATP-12 arrms, and Denon DL-103R and Denon DL-102 (mono) cartridges. All but the cartridges were purchased used, and the total price was $1,350. Of course I had to make my own plinth, but that is what gave me room to have two arms. But then having not heard a "high-end" turntable, maybe I don't know what I'm missing. I do know I'm hearing music, however.