good old tuners going obsolete

Well I didn't getting any feedback on my post about the Marantz ST-7001. I know it is one of many that will be the new wave of the future. Already radio stations are advertising that they are launching HD channels. Which means that if your using that much cherished - - - - - - - - ( fill in the blank with your favorite tuner ) you will not be able to pull in any of the HD channels, you will be limited to only the channels you are receiving now. And it is my understanding that some of the stations are already planning on putting different programing in the slot that is available to analog tuners. Of the high end tuners I have been able to trace so far, only Marantz and Magnum are making HD tuners. What I just can't figure out though, is why people are so willing to shell out big bucks for these analog tuners here and on ebay. They will soon be next to worthless :(

Can you cite a source for your information that all OTA broadcast is going digital by late 2009? As a huge FM fan, I'd be very interested. Thanks.

This HD issue has been beaten to death on the FM Tuner forum. I'm hoping that someone from that forum will jump over here to give their enlightened viewpoints. I also am a die-hard FM lover. I don't know what I'd do without my beloved NPR station not broadcasting in FM anymore. I also have a highly modified vintage Citation Eighteen that would be very sad if I had to turn it into a "door stop".
Most of what I read was items listed in the technology sections of various web pages such as yahoo. I will do my best to find these pages agian though. But it is common knowlegde to any Best Buy or Circiut City or any other electronics store you go into. Even the CTR TV's over 24" have digital tuners in them now. I have been in the cable TV industry for over 12 years and we saw it coming 7 years ago. FCC mandate " All signals must be digital 12-29-09 "

I my self enjoy NPR through my analog tuner. I also listen to other stations and was actaully considering buying an even better Sansui tuner than what I have now. Then I remembered what was going to happen in 09. But the real kicker was when a small local station said they are getting close to launching 3 digital channels.

I agree, they are not HD, just digital.
Here is a bit of it. You can read the entire concept if you follow the link and form your own opinion.

" The transition from analog to digital technology could be made in any number of ways--the possible architectures for a new band plan are as infinite as the engineering imagination. The most popular transition model in use around the world today is the Eureka 147. In this model, an existing radio station receives a new swath of spectrum from which to broadcast its digital signal. Over time, the station's analog signal is terminated and new stations are allowed to use the vacated bandwidth. This model has been proven effective in efficiently allocating new and existing audio space.

The U.S. implementation model before the Federal Communications Commission, however, is quite different. Called the In-Band-On-Channel plan, it allows existing stations to use the space on and around their current analog channel to broadcast the digital signal. For example, a station broadcasting at 97.9 would use the space between it and the stations next to it on the dial for its digital broadcasting. When its analog signal is eventually terminated, the entire swath of bandwidth would belong to that station. "
Ditto Armstrod and Sherod. I have a Fanrare FT-1A Analogue
Fm tuner and pick up a plethora of wonderful FM stations in the greater Phila area, which I will sorely miss if and when they cease broadcasting in current format. I have only recently subcummed to getting Digital (comcast) TV, and absolutely hate it. It constantly is plagued with digital distortion where my standard signal never was. I plan to unsubscribe this week. Anyway, I will sorely miss my cherished FM signals (In addition to my Fanfare, I also use a vintage circa 1961 Scott FM LT110 tube tuner which, with a good FM signal (live brodcasts for example) bests even my best CD source material). The better we get the more we go down hill...