good old tuners going obsolete

Well I didn't getting any feedback on my post about the Marantz ST-7001. I know it is one of many that will be the new wave of the future. Already radio stations are advertising that they are launching HD channels. Which means that if your using that much cherished - - - - - - - - ( fill in the blank with your favorite tuner ) you will not be able to pull in any of the HD channels, you will be limited to only the channels you are receiving now. And it is my understanding that some of the stations are already planning on putting different programing in the slot that is available to analog tuners. Of the high end tuners I have been able to trace so far, only Marantz and Magnum are making HD tuners. What I just can't figure out though, is why people are so willing to shell out big bucks for these analog tuners here and on ebay. They will soon be next to worthless :(
I'm still trying to figure out the philosophy of how one of two people with the same opinion is redundant; and furthermore, how is this related to the demise of FM radio? Am I living in the "Twilight Zone" ?
I'm not so sure we are supposed to understand it. I went through boot camp with a gent that had stopped studying psychology after he got his bachlors degree. He used to ask me silly questions such as: why do birds fly? I could think of obviuos answers, but I don't think he expected me to have the answer. He seemed to enjoy baffling people with questions a 5 year old would ask.

However regarding the statement of Acoustat6.

That would make Unclejeff one of the two? He does seem to agree with Acoustat6?

Just a thought
Back to the subject ( and I speak unofficially ) From a Conversation I had with a reliable source. The government actually wanted no more analog stations at the end or 06. However there were no laws in place and even attempting to pass laws was difficult. It would be somewhat like attempting to pass a law to stop the oil prices from rising. Anyway when it was obvious that the TV manufactures and then folks transmitting the signals were not going to cooperate with the 06 deadline. The FCC ( and other government agencies ) got busy and found enough folks in the House and Senate to vote the 09 deadline for digital TV signal into law. As I said before the government wanted ALL of the analog signals already, including radio. If my source is correct ( and who can be with great certainty now days ) There will be another push to vote into law, a regulation to force the radio networks to broadcast in a completely digital format. Look for it no later than 2012 I was told.

Heck the government even bought out NEXTEL's Megahertz band which takes affect before 2012. Now that is clout!

On a side note. I remember when AMD released the first Athlon chip to the public. I saw the AMD rep in the store and he was proudly displaying this huge chip to all the would look. About a month later I was in a Best Buy store and I asked when the chip would be made smaller so it would fit in a laptop. The sales people in the computer department basically laughed me out of the store and told me " That will never happen " I told them some how it would happen, i had faith in technology. As I recall 6 months later I walked into that same Best Buy and they were selling laptops with the Athlon chip in them. Funny thing, those sales people were not working there any more.

I guess technology wont be stopped by our opinion ( or our desire ) of it not to improve.
"That would make Unclejeff one of the two? He does seem to agree with Acoustat6?"

Thanks for the explanation, KT_88. That makes sense to me now. Can you answer one more simple question for me? Why is the sky blue?

I guess I'm one of a few old farts set in his way that just hates to see an older technology phased out. I do know that technology moves on, and hopefully for the better.
Geez Kt_88,

I've already started to hoard analog tuners, and now you tell me analog's not going away until 2012? They'll all be out of alignment by then...

