Krell , Martin Logans Mark Levinson?

Hello everyone. I just sold my levinson 335 and bought a krell fpb 200c and I have a question. I feel that all the cds I used before for testing my equipment dont sound as good but others I didnt use before do? Also I think my system can be a little smoother what do I do that wont put me in the poor house? I use a Krell FPB 200c A Mark Levinson 39 cd player running directly to my amp and a pair of Martin Logan Ascents and I use all Harmonic Technology cables. Iam starting to think it is the cables because I heard the krell in the store and it sounded great. So I use the levinson to smooth things over. Krells can get brite at times. I wonder if I made a mistake selling my baby(335) I love the 335 but I wanted to try something new? Should I be shot? Thank You
How have you been there Lev? This can't be happening, I must be reading the posts wrong. Someone stole you I.D.? Please tell me it aint so.... First the stock market crashes now this. You replaced your Levinson with Krell?I can't take much more of this. Ah, just kidding, Sure it's a great amp also. You just have to work out the whole synergy thing again. Pain in the ass. I Think you had these before so may not be your cup of tea.. But try some Transparent cables, at least the "Ultra" series for your level of equipment. Still waiting to find a used 380 local to me. Did find a #37 transport but I really want to hold out and replace my DVD player with the Proceed DVD/CD unit. Do you have the amp on a dedicated line? Could be a lot cheaper soution to look into also. Good luck with it.
Lev: Major homework ahead of you. I have the non cast version of this amp. From personal experience I'll warn you that the FPB 200 is very fussy about interconnects and speaker wires.

Skip lower end HT's, NBS, and Transparent. The AQ Python (bal) interconnect I settled on beat out 8 other contenders including more expensive Tranparent MW+, NBS King Serpent and Kimber 1130 (silver). Second best was another Kimber 1120 (copper) but I already use 1 pair in the system and 2 pairs seemed to emphasize the midrange slightly. Didn't get to try Cardas but they would have been my next option if the Python hadn't worked out.

I'm also breaking in new AQ Gibraltar speaker wires in place of some Kimber 8 TC. The AQ's have a smoother midrange than the 8 TC's but aren't the last word in detail, at least yet (less than 50 hours on them).

Happy Home Trials
No_money is right-on-the-money. Here you go again. All fun and games. I would suggest PAD and Tara. Another thing to consider is how long 200c was unused. After long periods (over 3 months), they need re-break-in. Last, but not least, if you can, run 39 thru a pre-amp (preferably a Krell). I will keep my 335 - I don't want to go thru this - yet.