Krell , Martin Logans Mark Levinson?

Hello everyone. I just sold my levinson 335 and bought a krell fpb 200c and I have a question. I feel that all the cds I used before for testing my equipment dont sound as good but others I didnt use before do? Also I think my system can be a little smoother what do I do that wont put me in the poor house? I use a Krell FPB 200c A Mark Levinson 39 cd player running directly to my amp and a pair of Martin Logan Ascents and I use all Harmonic Technology cables. Iam starting to think it is the cables because I heard the krell in the store and it sounded great. So I use the levinson to smooth things over. Krells can get brite at times. I wonder if I made a mistake selling my baby(335) I love the 335 but I wanted to try something new? Should I be shot? Thank You
We bought a Krell once, classifieds here on Audiogon, got it home, it was so harsh, so...not the mellow smoothness that we were used to. It was a beast and very cool to look at as well.
We sold it the next week and started a year and half long journey where we ended up with Wolcott Presence Tube Amps driving our Innersound EROS. It was a very cool ride.
Lev, congrats on your purchase of the Krell. Give it time before you make any hasty decisions. These monsters need a good 30 days of constant signal to break in. A full 90 days to hear 100%. MIT and trtansparents seem to be the best fit in my system.(krell 300,Lev 36,ARC ref2,Thiel CS6) Upgrading is what this hobby is all about. You can always go back to what you had, just give it time. P.S. why didnt you audition it in your system first?......good luck! Vader
I sold my 5 channel B&K 200 watt amp for a Krell KAV 1500 (also 5 channel but 300 watts) which was a big price leap. I started thinking I was crazy because I found the Krell was harsh and did not have the warmth of the B&K. I have Martin Login Odessey front speakers. I started tweaking with cables and got closer to what I wanted with Nordost Quattro fil but had no doubt when I audtioned the Transparent Reference cables. I put Transparent throughout my system. Then at about 200 hours into burn-in, my Krell nearly caught on fire, it was smoking! Krell support is incredible and came through with a drop shipment exchange with a brand new amp. They are a great company, to say the least! Anyway, now I'm back to the harsh, dark sound again. I can only attribute this to the long break-in period this amp obviously requires. So, bottom line, tweak with cables but perhaps just be patient until you've racked up about 200-300 hours on that thing. It is well worth the wait. Good Luck!
I have a Krell 200 (not the “C”)and I understand your issue. The Krell drives my Thiels great but can be harsh in the middle ranges, at least for my taste. I solved my problem by using an AE-3 tube line level pre amp. It was relatively inexpensive and sounds better every hour it’s on. Audition a tube pre amp, it may be worth your time. For me the combination of a SS amp and tubes in the front-end path is very satisfying. Good Luck..
Dan, I have a Theta David transport, Krell AV Standard, Krell FBP300, Thiel CS6 set up. I have been really impressed with Synergistic Research Designer's Reference interconnects throughout (I am using active shielding). I agree that you may never get the smoothest, most liquid sound. However, if you want impressive dynamics, speed, and slam, you can't go wrong with the amp. The SR cables added so much depth to the soundstage, I was hooked from day one. Of course, others here have said the same about the incredible soundstaging. Good luck!
