Theo: Thanks for the link to the review; Of special interest to me is E. Barker statement at the the end concerning the value of the Allaerts.
" The kind of effect on a system is almost priceless but I'm also going to call the Allaerts good value. Why? It's estimated the stylus will last between 7,000-10,000 hours. That is, between 7 and 10 times as long as an ordinary one. If you calculate that out, it makes it on par or cheaper than a Music Maker."
Sorry Audiofeil, but i think i,ll better save for the Allaerts.
" The kind of effect on a system is almost priceless but I'm also going to call the Allaerts good value. Why? It's estimated the stylus will last between 7,000-10,000 hours. That is, between 7 and 10 times as long as an ordinary one. If you calculate that out, it makes it on par or cheaper than a Music Maker."
Sorry Audiofeil, but i think i,ll better save for the Allaerts.