Who is Michael Fremers'

Okay sometimes I just got bored and like to poke fun. Let us all send in our guess as to who in Mexico owns an Allerts MC2 and loaned it to Uncle Mikey for review? No personal attacks please. (May Issue Stereophile Vol.3, No.5; Analog Corner)
Sirspeedy: Can,t agree with you more.
Audiofeil: Thanks a lot for your approval..I really needed it!..specially considering how constructive are your comments and contributions throughout this forum.
Little Richard Said

Shut up !

Can I read this review online ? I looked at stereo review site no dice.

Nuff said

Shut up Shutin up

Watching Heros on TV

Groovey Records
Raul , it's good to see you slugging it out with some of these folks. Your comments and manner are most appreciated by me.
I agree---"Enjoy the music". :)
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. I will now put it between my teeth and use it for dental floss. I don't understand what motivates some folks. Differences of opinion about something is to be expected. What I find interesting is how some people invent nefarious motives for everything I, or some other reviewers do. I buy virtually all of the gear in my reference system. Yes, I get a discount but I do not have "long term loans." I try to be above board and transparent, but apparently that's not good enough for some, and recently a manufacturer told me he was disturbed that I actually own my reference system because now I'm "invested" in it, and am less likely to give a competing product a fair review or say it's as good as, or better than what I own. So, there's no winning. Oh, well.....
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