Is the Ginko Cloud 11 the best isolation for a VPI

I've got a Scoutmaster and was wondering if the Ginko is the best isolation platform for this particular turntable. Any others worth considering?
Freemmer did a acclerometer test (with pics) in one of his Stereophile articles and the reduction in vibes (there seen on scope) was impressive.Yes the active Vibraplane did a better job but not to justify the costy (thousands not hundeds).Also Harry at VPI gaveit huge thumbs up saying to him it was like going froma $250 cartidge to a $2500 one.I think if you have cement floors it's less needded but still must do great job.If you have wood floors inversting $350 fro that TT (something) that advertises wood asjustable wall rack is best vhoice isf floors actually make your arm jump as that's a different story.One thing I wish they did at Gingko is to plit the platform like others hage (Brightstar think that was company company that made the popular sandboxes and inner tube platforms plus bricks to put on top???Brain feeze tonight).Anyway they had area that kept motor isolated from rest of platfrom.Yes it's a bit much for acrylic with divots but we are talking audio and while the Scout kit form BDR might be good in some pallications sine it has cups,cones and motor plate I would opnly choose it if Gingko was to high to fit somewhere.At least you don't have to worry abou balancing the damn think (if your rack is flat) like the Brightstar.I stopped using mine uinder turntable but kept it for digital or tubes.Cloud 10 might do it for cheaper but 11 is saffer since divots are deeper.Wish I was skilled enough to make my own since I doubt it would be that different with mapple and lacrosse balls.But yeah it's good.If uou go to a shop to get one listen to his speakers and email me (us) to let us know what you think.Pretty cool looking and since their isobaric like old Linn's go pretty low.
I do have a cement floor. Things never move or jump around so I'm curious how much of a benefit it'll actaully be. I think I'm going to order one for peace of mind.