I have it too, it's called tinnitus. It's not a disease, it's a direct result of things like noise damage, ear infections, etc. For me, according to the doc, it comes from having bad TMJ (jaw displacement/popping) plus playing in rock bands all my life. Doc has me wearing a retainer type deal at night which helps some, but it's still there.
There is no tinnitus cure, just things you can do to help reduce it. There are a few website with lots of info and treatments, surf away and see if you can determine what caused/is causing yours.
One note: William Shatner suffers from it, evidently, it drives him quite crazy. You would think it would've been Spock!
There is no tinnitus cure, just things you can do to help reduce it. There are a few website with lots of info and treatments, surf away and see if you can determine what caused/is causing yours.
One note: William Shatner suffers from it, evidently, it drives him quite crazy. You would think it would've been Spock!