Good low-price cartridge for listening to rock.

Currently, I have an Ortofon Super OM10 mounted to a Music Hall MMF5, Ballari pre-amp, Cerwin Vega LS-10s, and a Cayin 50T amp. Origionally, I was thinking about a OM20 needle upgrade but I have read some negative reports on it. Was also considering a Grado Gold, but I tend to shy away from it because I have heard some problems with those cartridges as well. One cartridge that looks interesting according to the reviews is the AT440MLa by Audio Technica - everybody seems to rave about it and says it can be compete with cartridges that are far more money.

Does anybody have any suggestions or comments on the cartridge.
Well the Grado that Marantz4me was considering is $180 and the AT is $89. The Zyx at $600 MSRP seems a little steep for the "low price" category but maybe Mehran will discount it to $200.
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I am really leaning toward the AT 440mla. One last question if you can answer this. Since my new amp does not have a balance control and the new AT cartridge has twin magnets (I think?)- did anybody notice uneven volume with this cartridge? I might of read somewhere that the gold had this sort of problem.

Thanks for you help!
I found the Goldring 1042 (1012 with less sophisticated stylus shape is less $) to be a great cartridge for rock. Others have dissed it, so yer mileage may vary.
I like the goldring but might be too expensive for you.
How about a shure m97