Lyra Helikon and Phd owners please

I have recently upgraded the cartridge from a Sumiko Blue Point 2 to a Lyra Helikon on a Rega RB 300 arm and Michell Gyrodec TT. The phonostage is a Sutherland Phd.With the Sumiko cart getting the Phd to wake up was a non issue :gently stroking the stylus, perhaps once or twice was enough and the Phd was ready to sing. With the Helikon nothing seems to work other than letting the stylus ride on the lp for 30/45 seconds.This is bothersome but not a big deal.Have tried setting the sensitivity control on the Phd( counter clockwise to increase it)but this only results in the yellow light (indicating that the cart is searching for a signal) coming on in the middle of a record and refusing to go off.
I wonder if any Lyra/Phd owners have encountered similar issues and what the possible soloution could be.
Many thanks and cheers
My friend,
I have written to you privately, and as I mentioned, I will try contacting Chad at Acoustic Sounds for you ASAP, and try getting accurate information, if Gain plays any significance-coorelation to the Sentry's Sensitivity.

Since you a 1/2 world away in New Delhi, it will be much easier, and less expensive for me to make the callto him, and I will inform you of the findings-opinions from Chad.

It is hard for me, or anyone else to determine if 60db through the Sutherland is properly adequate for the Lyra Helikon? perhaps other Helikon owners can comment of what gain settings they seem to be typical for the Helikon.

I could drop my friend Tom Back a letter, as he's using his Sutherland PhD with a Clearaudio Master Reference Table, and a Lyra Titan, which I "think" has the same output as the Helikon? (Seems darn tough getting proper spec info on these Lyras!)

Perhaps he can remember what gain settings he's using with the Titan, and if he had to resort to the High Gain Boards? Mark
Hi Mark,
Many thanks for all your help and advise. As I mentioned in an email, I not sure how a higher gain board will help given that the output of the Lyra is fixed at 0.5v(I checked the manual).A higher gain setting on the Phd will only make life easier for the main preamp(CJ CT5).
Hello my friend, I have privately emailed you, and the advice-suggestions which were given to me by Chad at Acoustic Sounds.

To just give a brief rundown here, so that it may benefit future PhD owners in the Archive, Chad recommended to check that all batteries are properly installed on thier respective Battery Holders. As you know, these Battery Holders have to clamping force of a Pit Bull's Jaws, and thier could be the possibility of one, or more not being properly positioned on the Holder.

As I added in my letter to you,the other possibility of tired Batteries. Remember that previously, you had issues with the Unit staying on for very long periods, you mentioned for periods of 24 hours straight on occasion.

This could have possibly exhausted your Batteries somewhat, even though Sutherland claims a 700-800 hour Battery Play Life on average.

The other variables, are what brand-quality of Batteries you used, high enviornment temperatures where you live, age of Batteries, etc.

I recommend again trying another 16 fresh Batteries.

Lastly, I am unsure if Gain at the boards Plays any influence of increasing-decreasing the Sentry's sensitivity. Apparently Chad indicates that Battery quality-voltage does.

Again my friend, I hope this helps you, Mark
While we are on the topic of the Sutherland phd, does anyone know were to buy the blank cartridge loading cards? The places I've checked don't seem to carry them.
Willster, As far as I know, Acoustic Sounds is the main distributor here in the USA.

You can find thier site in the agon manufacture's alphabetized index, and contact them either by phone, or email. Ask for Chad, he will surely know, and can no doubt provide you with the Blank Loading Boards. Mark