New Cart? Best all around performer...MM or HO

Thinking about a new cart, while putting the system through some changes. I'm looking for a good all round performer. I listen to a variety of music. Mainly Alt-Co, Rock, Acoustic, and Jazz.

Running an MMF-5 with Slee Era Gold. I would like a good warmth, but with detail (I'd imagine that about any cart would be steps above the 1012gx in there now).

I'm wanting to spend up to about 700 or so. I've seen some CA Maestro's at that range on here before. Also, thinking about some Dyna's, Virtuoso Wood, Beta Aurum S. Or, how is the goldring S's a perfect fit, just a stylus replacement, and said to be better.

I've read the beta aurum s is good for rock and jazz. Any other input, I'd appreciate it greatly.
A TT, et al. retailer suggested the Dyna 20x. What do y'all think? In a review it mentions the Shure V15 is better for bright systems...seems like a tough comparison though, and I'm just baseing this on price.
I had a Sumiko BPS EVO and I replaced it with the new Micro ridge version Dyna 20XH.
I liked the EVO, especially for the $$ spent.
But the Dyna simply has it all over the EVO in every way. I honestly can`t come up with a single area where the EVO might be a bit better.

A few things stand out with the Dyna that I really notice with no effort:
1) The surfaces are far.

2) Instruments are more tuneful. Wood blocks and the like come across with more realism. I`m no wordsmith but to give an example,on Dire Straits "Down to the waterline".. I noticed the wood blocks where struck on different spots and with different force giving slight tonal differences with each strike.
Same goes for instruments across the board...IMHO

3)I can pick up more sound on lead in and I can hear and follow further back as well as the track fades off..uncanny!

This cartridge is the best I`ve ever had. I`ve been content over the years with my modest entry level equipment.
Micro Acoustics 2002e for awhile, then the Shure V15-Type V`s seemingly forever then to the aforementioned.

But, I have to say, I can see me moving on up the chain if the improvements are as noticable as this new Dyna is to me!!!

I vote for the new version Dyna 20XH
I am running a Rega P5 with a Dyna 20XH and the Graham Slee Era Gold and am happy with it.

The only comment I would have is that my CD player seems to play a little louder than the analog rig. Not necessarily sure why and doesn't make a difference. I just turn it up a hair louder for vinyl listening.
Thanks Dsockel...seems like we about have a similar setup...I'm going more towards the Dyna, just hope it's warm sounds like it's detailed from all the reviews/posts, but worry that it might override warmth/musicality