Cartridge for Thorens TD-160

I just bought a solid looking TD-160, my first foray in vinyl in about twenty years. It's all stock, including the arm. Anyone have any suggestions for good, reasonably priced cartridge? $2-400 range? Anyone ever use a Sumiko Blue Point Special on one of these things? Shure carts seems popular too. Thanks
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I agree with Viridian that a high compliance cartridge is the way to go with the TP-16 arm. I tried my Denon 103R and it wasn't very good, even after adding weight to the headshell. I've had both the Shure V15 and the M97, and for the extra money Tvad's cartridge will be noticeably better, with a new stylus of course, than even a new M97. I've not heard the JICO stylus, but it's supposed to be terrific.

Another option is one of the NOS Empires floating around that Raul raves about. Do a search and you can find out what the latest offerings are. They're all high compliance MM.

Great table. Good luck!

So I just can't win with this turntable deal. I've missed - I think - three TD-160s here on A-gone. I finally get one on e-bay, confirmed, paid for and ready to go. So what happens? I get an e-mail from the seller that while packing it to ship, he dropped it and destroyed it. He did give a very prompt refund, but good gravy!
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Viridian is completely wrong on this one! The best gravy is my mother's roast beef gravy, over barely mashed potatos with a little pepper. If there's an audiophile gravy, it's my mother's.
