Benz help

Question...Just got my first MC and semi-naked cantilever in a benz micro H2. I set the tracking force, and I'm just a little worried as the angle of the cantilever changes quite a bit from its "resting" state. Does this happen with all of them, or does it need to play at it's "resting state" angle. I hope this makes some sense.
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Oh shoot...Sorry about that, thought I put it in...It's the Pro-ject stock arm for the MMF-5 (2.1 I believe).
My Ebony rides low to the record as well, but never scrapes the back end of the cartridge...the styus is very small and black and is very hard to see. After careful listening, I was amazed to find that the cartridge'a best performance (huge soundspace, midrange clarity, solid low, great depth) was with nearly no lowering of the back end of the arm. I would say the arm is about 3 mm down from perfect horizontal. I'm guessing that your cartridge is fine, but needs to be raised.
Thanks Stringreen, I'm going to raise it some today and see how it works out. I'm probably pretty close to 3mm down from horizontal myself. I will also take some better measurements today as well.

Thanks Pied as well. I keep reading it's b/w 1.8 and 2.2. I'll toy around with these today as well