Hee Hee.That was good.Wish they offered the 10.5 on Scoutmaster but realize different plinth altogether guess Harry thought more $$$ to be made with those who might wan to the update and having to start with $6 Super.I have 12.5 Aries and want more compact uni and considering between two decks Scoutmaster and Super.Cost of SDS and ring clamp make it $2900 verus $3500 if you factor those as wants.Stingreen I was wondering since your going for 10.5 which should sound better (though not sure how much since 9 and 9 sig are damn good) if the $1K heavy platter might make more difference am going to call and ask how much standard Super weighs verus the 25lb unit.Damn glad I
never went from the TNT5 composite to TNT6 acrylic.It was sad to hear everyone who bought (mainly to get ring clamp) say it was "not better not worse but a lighter more lithe presentation blah blah etc etc" and hen see they came out with a 25LB for $1200.I just want smaller deck or I re-wire my 12.5 and get 25lb platter as well as SDS.If I go Scoutmaster going to go with 25lb as you can't help but get better results with higher inertia.But I wonder buck for buck if platter upgrade isn't better than 10.5.I rarely used VTA unless I went from standard to 200 gm LP's.
never went from the TNT5 composite to TNT6 acrylic.It was sad to hear everyone who bought (mainly to get ring clamp) say it was "not better not worse but a lighter more lithe presentation blah blah etc etc" and hen see they came out with a 25LB for $1200.I just want smaller deck or I re-wire my 12.5 and get 25lb platter as well as SDS.If I go Scoutmaster going to go with 25lb as you can't help but get better results with higher inertia.But I wonder buck for buck if platter upgrade isn't better than 10.5.I rarely used VTA unless I went from standard to 200 gm LP's.