I have listened to both the Glider M2 and the M2 in my system. I'm pretty stingy with funds, but thought the M2 was far more enjoyable in my system. It just had a more easy-going, evenly balanced flow to it with a sweeter and more full-bodied midrange, crisper (and less "glassy") top end and warmer bottom. You could, however, tell that both cartridges come from the same family. My system is different from yours - I'm running a Michell Gyro SE Mk II and Graham 1.5tc (IC30 cable) tonearm and the very basic Musical Fidelity XLP phono stage. So the results may be different in your system.
WRT output...that would depend on your phono stage more than anything, and I'm not familiar with yours. If it has sufficient gain and stays quiet enough, everything I've read suggests to take the low output versions of the Benz cartridges when possible. I actually have the L2 on the way and just have the M2 as a dealer loan until the L2 arrives.
WRT output...that would depend on your phono stage more than anything, and I'm not familiar with yours. If it has sufficient gain and stays quiet enough, everything I've read suggests to take the low output versions of the Benz cartridges when possible. I actually have the L2 on the way and just have the M2 as a dealer loan until the L2 arrives.