What to use if I just want one cleaning fluid?

I'm willing to consider distilled water as a post cleaning rinse fluid (g). But if I'm going to use a VPI cleaner for my disks, and I want to use just one over-the-counter fluid to clean both new and old records in an acceptably effective manner, what should I use?
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Of the two over-the-counter brands I've tried (RRL/Mofi, AIVS) I'd choose AIVS.

RRL/Mofi Super Vinyl Wash leaves behind a lubricant which makes surfaces very quiet, but it also limits HF extension and dynamics. AIVS doesn't, and it contains more cleaning agents so it's more likely to remove whatever's on any particular record.

IME no single step or single step + rinse method is as effective as multiple steps. Different contaminants often respond to different cleaning solutions. But if one solution is what you're willing to do I'd choose AIVS's One Step.
Thanks everybody. To Rgordonpf, I have maybe about only 200 records right now, but with the seeming growth in the last few years of 180 and 200 gram, and 45RPM releases I have started to occasionally buy some new disks, so I guess it may get a bit larger now.

Doug, I will not argue the probable superiority of a multi-step method, but like Gibson58 I just don't have a mindset to do that kind of thing.