What to use if I just want one cleaning fluid?

I'm willing to consider distilled water as a post cleaning rinse fluid (g). But if I'm going to use a VPI cleaner for my disks, and I want to use just one over-the-counter fluid to clean both new and old records in an acceptably effective manner, what should I use?
Thanks everybody. To Rgordonpf, I have maybe about only 200 records right now, but with the seeming growth in the last few years of 180 and 200 gram, and 45RPM releases I have started to occasionally buy some new disks, so I guess it may get a bit larger now.

Doug, I will not argue the probable superiority of a multi-step method, but like Gibson58 I just don't have a mindset to do that kind of thing.
Do try the Disk doctor, I use that. I have used a few out there and disk doctor seems to work the best.
For Tvad's question: 1 pint isopropyl alcohol (NOT RUBBING!!!!), 1 gallon distilled water (pour out the pint), 10 drops Kodak photo flo (Whatever size dropper you can find...it just makes it wetter) used for 15 years with my Nitty Gritty.

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