Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
I've had my Perfection stemaer for about 5 days and have cleaned about a dozen records with it in conjuction with my usual cleaning regimen on a VPI 17. This includes L'Art du SOn fluid, AI Enzyme cleaner, Disc Doctor brushes, and now the Perfection steamer. I am convinced that the results are the cleanest these records will ever be.
Unfortunately one still cannot "unscratch" an LP!

IMO the steamer is a MAJOR step forward - even more than the advent of the enzyme cleaners. In summary: Purchase and use of the Perfection steamer is the BEST "bang for buck" I've ever gotten in over 20 years in this hobby.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!

Doak: Thank you, thank you : For years I have been wageing this battle and its not easy. Besides the invested few within the industry hating me, I have to deal with those that want to take advantage of the fact I am giving away this information for FREE. I don't ask for anything only your common sence and the hope I have given you more Audio Enjoyment. There is a point to this ... Back when audio started it was a community ... All the very best.
Best wishes to you also. ;-}

The internet has made this "community thing" possible again --- but now the community is the WORLD!!!

I've been rather heavily involved in this hobby for nearly 35 years. There's always more to learn (and unlearn) and ever more to enjoy.
Great stuff.
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No it is defective , please return to the Walgreens for a replacement. This happens sometimes. Remember, Never use tap water , chemicals in that water can clog the steamer. Any short cut with water should affect the outcome.