I was a somewhat reluctant convert to steaming. Acquired a steamer from Argos,in London, UK, for Sterling 29 thats nearly $58, last month.The initial results were somewhat mixed but certainly less than expected. Records were cleaner but a lot of pop and crackle remained.After watching Stltrains video I guess I was not doing it quite right. Was steaming and vacuuming with a VPI 16.5 simultaneously and later using the API one step cleaning solution followed by another round on the RCM. Last night I tried the Stltrain method and wow there was a distinct improvement. Background noise was sharply reduced.Cleaned a 25 year old Indian ghazal lp. The result was pretty spectacular. Achieved almost similar results with a 30 year old Beethoven lp bought in what then was East Berlin.
I obviously need to refine my cleaning method. I have not been able to locate a good source for really good quality pure water in New Delhi, India, where I live. This should not be a problem. I suspect with better quality water the results are bound to improve. Am currently using the same distilled water that we drink at home.
Thanks to all the stalwarts and Gurus on this thread for further enhancing the vinyl experience for me.
I obviously need to refine my cleaning method. I have not been able to locate a good source for really good quality pure water in New Delhi, India, where I live. This should not be a problem. I suspect with better quality water the results are bound to improve. Am currently using the same distilled water that we drink at home.
Thanks to all the stalwarts and Gurus on this thread for further enhancing the vinyl experience for me.