Happy music...

Like Vivaldi guitar concertos, most flute concertos, etc.
I will be listing some I know-but would appreciate your favs.
Britney Spears, Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga...pretty happy stuff!

Taylor Swift? IS she getting that chip off her shoulder yet?
Even a lot of Moody Blues music starting in the very early 80's sets a generally happy tone. I know most of it makes me very happy! Most of the blatant cerebral aspects of their earlier classic 7 albums was gone, though they continued to write intelligent music that was also generally more "fun" and light. I like it all but which more exactly depends on my mood of the day mostly I suppose.
Zydeco music will put a little kick in your getty up. I like Buckwheat Zydeco and C.J. Chenier. Laissaz bons temps rouler!
BRAUSER- i'm with you on the Polka music. Brings me back to dances at a Ukranian Orhodox church in Montreal late '60's.
5/6 piece band, including my Uke friend Lisney on sax (departed), Vodka shots and very pretty Ukranian lasses to whirl around. Puts a smile on this face!