How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm??

I'm curious as to how many people (on the non-250 arms) use the spring-loaded mechanism to set their VTF, and how many bypass it and use a scale and the counterweight (or Michell TecnoWeight). In other words, how many feel strongly about the 'spring' effect on the arm's sound? (or feel that Rega's notion that it helps track warped records is correct-if my understanding of their intention is correct
I don't have a 300 now to check, but I can't believe that on max, the spring is "Locked" down. If it were, it couldn't function as a spring.

It is not acting as a spring. Think of it as being disabled. You are setting the VTF with the counterweight only.

Perhaps the resonant frequency is changed and if it is, it would change for the higher which is not good at all. Setting it to zero, gets it out of the system as I remember.

I can only go by what Expressmio says in their lit.....

For optimum performance on the RB 300-600--900-1000 set the dial pass 3 (this locks the spring down to prevent vibrations down the arm tube) then set tracking force with gage.
[End of quote.]

I can't comment on the theory or why it works but I tried both options : namely using the dial counter on the base of the RB 300 ( its a tiny black dial) to set the VTF using the Expressimo only as a balancing counterweight.The second option which I found clearly superior was to set the VTF using the Expressimo with the dial counter at 3.5gm. Believe me the difference is not subtle. The bass definition and general LFE was way better.
In case of any doubt, send me mail and I will be delighted to help.
I don't see why this option can't be used even if you don't own the Expressimo.It does't cost to experiment !!
Does this spring exist on teh RB-700 arm (on the P5)? I don't recall setting the VTF via a spring on this arm (in the manual). I did have my dealer set up my P5. Thanks for the guidance/suggestion for this newb.
A simpler(?) explanation would be that the VTF spring acts on the back (counterweight) end of the arm. When set to "0", the spring is applying maximum force helping the counterweight to balance the arm. When the appropriate tracking force is dialed in, e.g."2", the spring force is released from the counterweight end allowing the cartridge end to become heavier by that amount. When the maximun tracking force is dialed in, the spring tension is totally released from the arm (along with any potential resonances). Rega's strategy of balancing the arm with the spring aiding the counterweight and then setting VTF by releasing spring tension is the opposite of most other manufacturer's strategies and everyone's common understanding, thus, the confusion.
I hope this helps.