MM cartrige - recommend a good one

I don't know anything about the MM carts out there. What are some of the better ones?

for an incredible value....the audio technica 150mlx between 350 and 400 bucks, and it plays toe to toe with the likes of some pretty refined mc's from 1k to 2k
I agree with Jaybo - the AT150MLX is a very fine and detailed cartridge, but it does need to be loaded correctly. AT specifies a total cable capacitance (arm, ICs, preamp input) to be between 100-200pf - I use 115pf. You should play with the preamp input impedance also - I've lowered mine from 47K to about 32K using "Y" adapters and 100K load resistors. This loading should be played with depending on how bright/forward your system is.
I have the AT150 and cant say enough good things about it, agree 100% with others here. I have a couple carts MM and MC all $500-$600 but never feel a need to change.