Tube vs. Solid State Phono Stage

So, I've always had toob amplification; mostly SET. Upstream, I have analog vinyl only. In keeping with my philosophy, point of view, style, whatever you want to call it, I've felt compelled to go with an all tube phono stage:
Cary PH302.

In summary, this has 55db gain, tubed rectification, RIAA equalization and gain stages.

I have no complaints.

However, I can't help notice that some, what seem to gennerally be considered, as world class phonoo stages are solid state.

In my price range, I'm at least thinking about what a Pass Xono would add to my system.

Any insight or opinions?

i did a load of reviews of phono stages in 2005, and came to the conclusion that one should not try and differentiate between tube and solid state, but on the sound you like, and whichever stage delivers that sound, that's the one you want.

An important thing to consider is synergy. If you have a lazy/soft/syrupy pre-amp and power amp, a good solid state design like a Tom Evans groove may do the trick to inject some slam.

Nothing is perhaps more important than synergy.

I personally think that of the stages I have listened to in the £500 - £2500 range the two that stood out for me were by Whest and Paul Hynes, but they are not cut from the same cloth. the Hynes (tube)was musically relaxed and effortless, the Whest (solid state) was musically exciting and dynamic - oh yes deathly quiet too.

I recommend you also hear an Art Audio stage - very nice indeed.

whatever you do, get the dealers to lend you the equipment to put in your system.

Our local audio club does phonostage shootouts several times a year. We play our personal phonostages against phonostages supplied to us via a friendly local dealer. The clear cut winners at various price points have been the SS Vacuum State JLTi (US$1,500) which has bested anything we have thrown against it up to US$3,000. The original Herron VTPH-1mc/plus (JFET tube hybrid) now discontinued but available used for US$1,700-1800, beat all contenders up to $5,000. We have only matched the new Herron VTPH-2 (JFET tube hybrid with both MM and MC inputs) against a few more expensive phono stages which it bested. However, the sample is too small to form any solid conclusions. However, we do know that it is substantially better than the Herron VTPH-1mc/plus.

All three phono stages are neutral and musical.
Hi Rgordonpf; I'd be curious to know which stages were included in your listening sessions that were bested by the Herron? Thanx